Following are the classifications of numbers.
1. Natural Numbers:
- Each of 1,2,3,4,…..,etc is a natural number.
- The smallest natural number is 1 ;whereas the largest natural number cannot be obtained.
- Consecutive natural numbers differ by 1.
- Let
be any natural number , then the natural numbers that come just after are etc.
2. Even Natural Numbers:
A system of natural numbers ,which are divisible by 2 or are multiples of 2, is called a set of even numbers.
E= (2,4,6,8,10,12……..)
There are infinite even numbers.
3. Odd Natural Numbers:
A system of natural numbers ,which are not divisible by 2 ,is called a set of odd numbers.
O= (1,3,5,7,9………)
There are infinite odd numbers.
Taking together the odd and even numbers, we get natural numbers.
4. Whole Numbers:
- 0,1 ,2,3,4,…… etc are whole numbers.
- The smallest whole number is zero whereas the largest whole number cannot be obtained.
- Consecutive whole numbers differ by 1.
- Except zero every whole number is a natural number and because of this:
- Every even natural number is an even whole number
- Every odd natural number is an odd whole number.
5. Prime Numbers:
- Whole numbers greater than 1 that are divisible by unity and itself only.
- Except 2 all other prime numbers are odd. P= 2,3,5,7,11,13,………. etc.
6. Composite Numbers:
A composite number is a whole number (greater than 1) that is not prime.
Composite numbers C= (4,6,8,9 ……..,etc)
7. Integers:
- The integers consists of natural numbers , zero and negative of natural numbers. Thus , Z or I = …………………,-4,-3,-2,-1, 0 , 1,2,3,4…………….
- There are infinite integers towards positive side and infinite integers towards negative side .
- Positive integers are the natural numbers.
Use of Integers
The integers are used to express our day-to-day situations in mathematical terms.
- If profits are represented by positive integers then losses by negative integers.
- If heights above sea level by positive integers then depths below sea level by negative integers.
- If rise in price is represented by positive integers ,then fall in price by negative integers and so on.
8. Rational Numbers:
Any number which can be expressed in the form of
is a rational number, since 2, 5 are integers and 5 is not equal to zero. , etc are not rational numbers since these numbers cannot be expressed as .
So, we can say that rational numbers contain all integers and all fractions (including decimals). There are infinite number of rational numbers.
- Every integer is a rational number but the converse is not true. The same result is true for natural numbers, whole numbers, fractions, etc.
9. Irrational Numbers:
Then numbers which are not rational are called irrational numbers .
Each of
The number
10. Real Numbers:
Every number, which is either rational or irrational is called a real number.
- Each natural number is a real number.
- Each whole number is a real number.
- Each integer is a real number.
- Each rational number is a real number.
- Each irrational number is a real number , etc.
Absolute Value of a Number:
The absolute value of an integer is its numerical value regardless of it’s sign.
Absolute value of
Absolute value of
Therefore if
, when is positive or zero , when is negative.